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Public Input Needed for Convention Center Master Plan

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April 12, 2021


The public is invited to participate in a virtual public open house at 6 p.m. on April 15  to learn more about the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD) Master Plan and share input with the project team.

The KBHCCD Master Plan aims to transform the convention center district into the top convention center and convention center urban district in the United States. The goal of the master plan is to ensure the convention center and the district are:

  • efficient, adaptable and flexible to meet current and future market demands,
  • generating an unparalleled experience for customers, visitors, exhibitors and City
    residents that leads to economic prosperity and return on Citizen’s investments,
  • integrating the surrounding communities through a series of multi-modal and
    barrier-free connective links, and
  • promoting accessibility, energy, excitement and equity locally and regionally

To participate in the open house please register here. The public can track the project through a dedicated project website.